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Upgraded Email Server Software
03/15/2014 at 2:00 AM - Stored in Email
This upgrade should squash Spam in a big way. By the time you
read this, and if you were getting too much spam you should notice
a major drop. The new server software has many new ways of detecting
Spam and defending your inbox in a big way.

In the next couple of months we will be transitioning to new
email server hardware. We will be making an announcement
prior to the time of the upgrade.
New Webmail Upgrade - Speed, Interface and Functionality Improved !!
04/08/2013 at 4:33 AM - Stored in Email
We just upgraded our Webmail Client again.

Our new caching system improves login, navigation and screen refresh speed.

We now have a whole new look and feel that is much easier to use.

The new Address Book now works much more reliably.
Importing hundreds of contacts at a time is now a snap.

To achieve this upgrade the old contacts had to be cleared out because
of formatting issues. Please export your contacts from your computers
address book as a vCard 3.0 file and import them back into your Webmail
Accounts address book.

If you need help reimporting your contacts, please give us a call.
New White and Black/Block lists
04/06/2013 at 4:53 AM - Stored in Email
A long time coming, but it is here now. White and Black/Block lists
that you can add to anytime.

All in one field with one email address per line you may add or
remove any address you wish.

When added to the White list any email from that address easily sails through
the servers SPAM filters. It won't be blocked.

The Black/Block list stops any email from the listed addresses cold.
They just get dropped and you don't have to be bothered by them again.

Email Control Center Navigation Simplified.
09/14/2012 at 1:50 AM - Stored in Email
We have made some minor but nice changes to the Email Control Center
to make the navigation a bit cleaner.

We hope you like it.
Upgraded Spam Blocking On/Off Control
07/12/2012 at 4:42 PM - Stored in Email
The Spam Blocking On/Off Control has been upgraded to include
a time selection drop down menu.

You may now select how long Spam Blocking will be turned off.
You may select from the following times:

15 Min.  -  30 Min.  -  1 Hr.  -  2 Hrs.  -  3 Hrs.

The Spam Blocking will automatically turn itself back on after
the selected unprotected period has expired.

If you have any questions about this feature please contact us.
Upgraded Webmail
04/23/2012 at 4:15 AM - Stored in Email
We have upgraded the webmail interface. Should be a bit quicker.

New feature - Auto Login. After you put your user name (full email 
address) and password in to the form if you have your browser set
to do so, you will be asked if you want to save them. This will allow
you to log-in without typing your credentials each time.

Note: If you find that the percentage of space in use/left indicator is
showing an amount used and your mailbox looks empty, please click
on each of the folders on the left side of the webmail interface to view
old/stored messages that are taking up space. If you need more space
then select and delete the emails and then go to the trash and delete
them again to clear them from your email box. 

We hope you enjoy it.

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